To: Employees and leaders of [organization]

Not Who We Are: Google

We call on all members of the [organization] community, to take a stand and join us.

Why is this important?

As members of the [organization] community, we stand against Donald Trump’s racial and religious intolerance.

Policies and rhetoric that directly target Latinos, Muslim-Americans and others threaten the basic freedoms and safely of members of our own community and our ability to do our work. They are also an assault on our most deeply held values of our country.

As a community, we stand with those who are most at risk of the scapegoating and policies that will tear families apart and make it harder to live and work with freedom and dignity in this country.

An attack on one member of our community is an attack on all of us.

Donald Trump is not who America is, and he is not who [organization] is.

