To: Hon Bill Shorten MP; Senator Patrick Dodson; Julian Leeser MP

First Nations Voice: Reconciliation before Republic!

Dear Sirs,

We are disappointed that the Australian Labor Party is prioritising a $160m republic ballot over a constitutionally enshrined First Nations Voice.
We want you to know that we will vote 'No' to any republic plebiscite that is proposed before a vote on a First Nations Voice. We will vote 'Yes' to approve an alteration that establishes a constitutionally enshrined Voice to the Commonwealth Parliament.

Why is this important?

Last year, hundreds of representatives gathered at Uluru to hold a historic First Nations Convention. The result was an unprecedented call from First Nations Peoples for a constitutionally enshrined Voice to the Commonwealth Parliament.
We feel deep shame that this invitation was dismissed by the Government. Polling suggests most Australians broadly support a First Nations Voice. We are among those supporters.
The Uluru Statement from the Heart is fundamental to our country.
We cannot move on to talk of a republic without honouring our First Nations Peoples with a constitutionally enshrined Voice.
