Cigarette Butt Bin at 33 Mountain StreetAn estimated 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are littered worldwide every year. Not only do littered butts seriously reduce the aesthetic quality of any environment, but they can cause a great deal of harm. Cigarette butts can take up to 12 months to break down in freshwater and up to 5 years to break down in seawater. Birds and aquatic animals can mistake the butts as food, resulting in serious digestive problems that may lead to death. Butts have been found in the stomachs of young birds, sea turtles and other marine creatures. We need to get butts off the ground and disposed of properly. Please install a cigarette butt bin outside 33 Mountain Street now!12 of 25 SignaturesCreated by SW
We Need More Bike LanesCyclists aren't safe.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by GD
1 of 100 Signatures
Not Who We Are: GoogleAs members of the [organization] community, we stand against Donald Trump’s racial and religious intolerance. Policies and rhetoric that directly target Latinos, Muslim-Americans and others threaten the basic freedoms and safely of members of our own community and our ability to do our work. They are also an assault on our most deeply held values of our country. As a community, we stand with those who are most at risk of the scapegoating and policies that will tear families apart and make it harder to live and work with freedom and dignity in this country. An attack on one member of our community is an attack on all of us. Donald Trump is not who America is, and he is not who [organization] is.2,346 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by AK
Not Who We Are: [organization]As members of the community, we stand against Donald Trump’s racial and religious intolerance. Policies and rhetoric that directly target Latinos, Muslim-Americans and others threaten the basic freedoms and safely of members of our own community and our ability to do our work. They are also an assault on our most deeply held values of our country. As a community, we stand with those who are most at risk of the scapegoating and policies that will tear families apart and make it harder to live and work with freedom and dignity in this country. An attack on one member of our community is an attack on all of us. Donald Trump is not who America is, and he is not who [organization] is.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by AK
Stop Coal ExportsCoal is bad.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by AK
Build SPCAThe people of SP need to build a collective voice4 of 10 SignaturesCreated by SM
Increase Global Education Funding: Andrew Wilkie MPIt is very important.2 of 100 Signatures
Título da petiçãoPor que isso é importante?2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by KA
New petitionthis is important3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by KA
President Barack Obama Commit to Zero WasteWaste is a terrible thing to waste. Waste is a terrible thing to waste. Waste is a terrible thing to waste. Waste is a terrible thing to waste. Waste is a terrible thing to waste. Waste is a terrible thing to waste. Waste is a terrible thing to waste. Waste is a terrible thing to waste. Waste is a terrible thing to waste. Waste is a terrible thing to waste. Waste is a terrible thing to waste. Waste is a terrible thing to waste. Waste is a terrible thing to waste. Waste is a terrible thing to waste.2 of 100 Signatures
Increase Global Education Funding: David VitterIt is very important.0 of 100 Signatures